The more time I spend on the internet, the more I'm shocked to learn the lengths that some mothers-in-law will go to try to take control — or just get under their daughter-in-law's skin. Take one MIL on Reddit, who was furious when her DIL wouldn't stay with her after her grandchild was born and decided to ransack her house for her nursery goods to force the issue. That's not just a little pushy — this MIL has gone way too far to get her own way.
Things had been perfectly fine between the two -- until the daughter-in-law announced that she was pregnant.

And then all of the sudden *BOOM* her MIL's crazy came out. The woman is currently seven months pregnant, as she explained on the r/JUSTNOMIL forum, and every day her MIL calls to check in on her "precious 'grandbaby,'" begs the OP to let her go to their doctor's appointment, and "demanded that we send her sonogram picture of our baby and went nuts when we ignored her request."
"It's been so tiring constantly having to live with her drama while focusing on my pregnancy," the mom-to-be confessed.
Lately, her husband's job has kept him traveling.
So the OP's been staying at her mother's house until he comes back from his latest trip. A few weeks ago, the woman's MIL offered to let the young couple stay with her after she gives birth "because my husband will have more trips in the upcoming months as well, and that I will need someone to help take care of our newborn baby."
The OP held firm. Nope, they wouldn't need her help — "We've already discussed/arranged for that and decided that I will go over to my mom's after I get out of the hospital," she wrote.
Her MIL didn't take the news lightly.
In fact she was absolutely furious.
"She got mad and jealous, threw a fit, badmouthed my mom, and saying that I was playing favorites and ignoring her," she recalled.
The OP apologized and told her this was not the case, but her MIL kept insisting that it was true.
"I called her and told her for the last time to just drop it because she was literally stressing me out and making this whole damn thing about her needs and what suits her best, not for me and my baby's convenience," the OP continued.
She thought the discussion was over.
But when she went back to her house to pick up a few things she needed, she was shocked to find that something was off.
"I got to my baby's nursery, and I found that there was plenty of stuff missing, the mattress, blankets, clothes and diaper packs that I had bought last week, and other essential stuff that was gone as well, at first, I thought, my house had been robbed," she explained.
She was about to call the police when her brother-in-law arrived and told her that he needed to talk to her.
"He said he had been trying to reach me but my phone was off (because of mother in law's continuous harassment)," she explained.
It was then that he revealed the truth. Her MIL used her spare key to come into her house and clean her out. She took all of the mom-to-be's baby goods and in two days made a baby nursery in her own house.
"I was stunned, why would she do something like that?" she continued. "I get it, she wants to force me and my baby to stay at her house for a few weeks and put together a nursery by stealing from my house. "
The daughter-in-law was beyond angry.
What possible explanation could her MIL offer her?
"She tried to sugar coat it and say that I won't have to move the nursery over to my mom's now and that she had everything set and organized, she even said that she bought other stuff for the baby that she couldn't wait to show me," the mom wrote.
The OP snapped. She told her MIL to bring everything back pronto — or she would come over and take it back herself.
"She called me 'bitter' said that I was being rude to her while she was trying to help," the OP continued. "She kept stalling basically making this about her feelings."
The OP then called her husband, who tried in vain to get his mom on the phone.
"He called me again and said he will be coming home tomorrow and deal with her," she added.
The DIL "spent hours" yelling at her MIL to return her baby gear.
But her MIL ignored her.
"I'm just shocked and pissed right now, I've tolerated this [expletive] for as long as I possibly could. Every act of kindness I tried, she took for weakness and walked all over me just to get her way"
And now the OP is done, absolutely done, with her MIL's shenanigans.
"I'm dropping the rope on her and her awful behavior and selfishness," she wrote.
Some people thought the OP needed to file a police report ASAP.
"So, um, how do you feel about filing a police report? Because you quite literally WERE robbed," one commenter wrote.
"Call the cops," a second person agreed. "You probably have receipts for everything (especially easy if you ordered from Amazon). Call the cops, get your [expletive] back, and cut her off."
"And why haven't you called the cops and at the very least gotten a police report?" a third commenter wondered. "You need a paper trailer like yesterday! You do not play around with this level of entitlement."
And while the DIL might not be ready to go that far, she later wrote that she's definitely getting the locks changed.
She also hoped to keep her brother-in-law out of it as much as possible.
"It baffles me how a nasty woman like her could be the mother of such a sweet, kind and respectful person," she wrote later in the thread. "I'm sure it's got nothing to do with genes."
But at least she agrees — her MIL has to go.
"My husband and I were discussing moving out of the state after I give birth, now I'm insisting," she continued. "This woman has run out of chances with me."
"I don't want my baby to have anything to do with this person. Period," she wrote.
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.