Sure, we all love babies, but it’s not always all chubby thighs, snuggles with mama, and tiny shoes. In fact, most parents would say that having a newborn is not for the weak. That’s because every parent has to go through the rigor of parenting an infant — things like getting their baby to eat, changin dirty diapers, and figuring out why the heck the little one won’t stop crying (even when it seems like baby is crying for no darn reason!).
It can be overwhelming and every parent has to do this while on little to no hours of sleep. Yes, there are the sweet moments of parenting, but for the first few months of a baby’s life, it’s like running a marathon while pulling several months of all-nighters. And there might not be any end in sight for months. It’s definitely a rocky road in the beginning. Just take a look at Twitter, where brand new moms and dads go to reveal the perils of the newborn days.
Brain Freeze
Embedded content: https://twitter.com/DrRissman/status/1372546568532938752
Baby brain is a real thing people! After baby is born, new moms can't seem to remember anything — including dates, appointments, and where in the world they left their keys. Pro tip: Check the fridge!
Losing My Mind
Embedded content: https://twitter.com/MrDanielBuck/status/1371569839408570369
When we say that parenting a newborn is a marathon, we're saying it because it's true. Newborns are a true test of one's wits and ability to do, well anything, while basically on no sleep.
The Days of Our Lives
Embedded content: https://twitter.com/LadeeAlexx/status/1371936448492998667
All it takes is one fateful day and things go from all about us to all about them. And then before one can blink, that little newborn becomes a teenager. Time flies!
No Judgment
Embedded content: https://twitter.com/LadeeAlexx/status/1374063944462184449
Sometimes self-care is a three-hour bath and a good face mask, other times it's the five minutes of cleaning one's body before the baby wakes up from a nap.
It Takes a Village
Embedded content: https://twitter.com/vivizoka/status/1373796886293929985
There really is no such thing as "me time" once a baby comes. And it can definitely leave one feeling out of sorts. Make sure to have a team of supportive people around — it's definitely necessary.
Embedded content: https://twitter.com/inikhil_/status/1370021217206296582
All of those memes about getting no sleep with a newborn? Well sadly, they're real. But at least one could try to sneak in some shut eye while the little one takes a nap?
A Special Schedule
Embedded content: https://twitter.com/TaintedInocence/status/1365373294900346882
A new parent? Good news! No two days will ever be the same. Some days, the baby will cry and need to be changed. Other days, the baby will cry and need to be changed. And then there are some days where the baby will cry and — oh, well maybe some days will be the same.
The Show Must Go On?
Embedded content: https://twitter.com/Kevin_Slack/status/1365370143950389252
Remember all of those hours spent watching Bravo? Yeah, well those will be long gone when the new baby comes. And keeping on top of Oscar-worthy movies? A thing of the past.
Jury's Out
Embedded content: https://twitter.com/cutestshark/status/1364141709463011331
Until the new baby sleeps through the night, there is no real way of knowing what's a win and what's just a reprieve from the tears, dirty diapers, and feedings.
Blow, Baby, Blow!
Embedded content: https://twitter.com/ThatMarkJohnson/status/1361992170908049409
Know what's just as scary as the baby pooping too much? A baby that isn't tooting. That could mean the little one is gassy and a gassy baby means a fussy baby. And a fussy baby means less sleep for mom.
The Learning Curve
Embedded content: https://twitter.com/DadlifeCanada/status/1361831083181035522
As a new parent, there's so much to learn about having a baby — so much about dirty diapers that is. Who knew such a little thing could make so much mess?
Be Brave
Embedded content: https://twitter.com/DiegoMendes/status/1359166051930562562
The little ones need so much of one's time and attention, but now that we're all staying at home, it can sort of be like going into battle every single day. Be brave, fellow parents!
Embedded content: https://twitter.com/jillbarber/status/1359012468668780544
If coffee was important before the baby, it's absolutely life-saving after the baby is born. Time to make up for all of those months of decaf during pregnancy!
Best Part of Waking Up
Embedded content: https://twitter.com/brettvanderberg/status/1372915966850523136
Familiar with the expression "waking up on the wrong side of the bed?" Well that's parenting all 365 days of that first year within a nutshell. Don't worry, it gets better … right?
No Sleep Till … Ever
Embedded content: https://twitter.com/screamBIANCAx3/status/1358919927453868032
Who needs sleep? Well, we do. That's because as much as we love our new bundles of joy, they are trying to see if they can break our spirits through sleep deprivation. It's a good thing they're cute.