Preschool is a time of immense growth for kids. It's often where they learn key social and emotional lessons, like how to be a good friend and how to share. But another big part of preschool is setting the stage for early learning. Drawing, learning letters and numbers, and working on motor skills are all important things preschoolers learn.
A mom on TikTok recently shared a lesson her 3-year-old learned in preschool that she and her husband were certainly not prepared for. Their kiddo brought home a picture he had colored, and there's no way the parents could have predicted what they saw.
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The mom filmed the moment her husband showed her their son's preschool coloring for the day.
TikTok User Aly Kipp posted the video on her TikTok in July. Her husband had picked up their 3-year-old from summer preschool, and as preschoolers do, the little one brought home a picture he'd colored.
"Do you think our 3-year-old at our church-sponsored preschool should be tracing and coloring… the events of 9/11?!" her husband asks, turning the picture around for her to see. Lo and behold, it is indeed a picture of the Twin Towers after a plane crashed into them on that historic day in 2001. Their kiddo added some green and yellow scribbles to make an artistic statement.
It is definitely not something you'd expect preschoolers to bring home.
Kipp and her husband start laughing at the absurdity of the coloring page, and neither of them are able to stop.
"That is the last thing I expected," she says in between fits of laughter. Her husband looks totally bewildered, and tells her "I’ve just been staring at it in the kitchen."
He then reveals a second coloring page. "Oh look guys, 'never forget!'" he says with a chuckle.
"Also, it's July 31," Kipp points out, which only makes them both laugh harder.
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The comments did not disappoint.
"Do you put it on the fridge or not? ," one person asked.
"What happened to macaroni art?! ," another questioned.
"NOT THE NEVER FORGET ," another person said.
"The pentagon on the never forget page is actually sending me ," another person commented, and Kipp replied, "OH MY GOSHHHHH I did not even notice that ."
"This was never an option that went through my mind ," someone admitted.
"That is equal parts hilarious and terrifying ," another person pointed out.
"We’ll make it your first memory so you NEVER FORGET ," another comment reads.
Thankfully, the mom posted a follow-up.
A lot of the comments on the video asked how the adults in charge made the decision to share this particular historical event with a group of 3-year-olds. So Kipp made a follow-up video to explain what the school told her.
"The best answer we got was that the summer's theme was 'Dancing Through the Decades', so that's what they chose for the 2000s," Kipp explained. "They did say they had a whole slew of things to choose from, and that this particular teacher landed on that one."
Kipp said that she suggested to her husband that they could have chosen a coloring page with the Facebook logo and "maybe learn age appropriate things."
The whole situation is still unbelievable.
"Dancing through the darkness of the decades? ," one person quipped.
"I don’t even know what to say. This makes it more confusing!!??" one person wrote. "I agree. ," Kipp replied.
"Your kid doodled over the airplane… was he trying to stop it? ," another person wrote.
"I lost it when you said dancing through the decades ," someone else commented.
"It is so wild that they did that, but I love how you guys are handling it with a little bit of a sense of humor," one person praised.