Toddler on TikTok Teaches Us All a Lesson or Two About Cleaning Up After Ourselves

There is nothing worse than walking down the street and seeing a bunch of garbage and litter all over the ground. So often, people are too lazy to throw their trash out in a garbage can and instead, throw it on the ground.

Not only is it bad for the environment, but it makes any neighborhood or city look bad. Sometimes, people get outwardly angry when they see how quickly people will litter and throw their trash on the ground instead of in a can.

Adults are usually the ones who get the most frustrated by littering.

Teenagers and adults are quick to point out to people that littering is wrong, and they are often the ones to teach young children to clean up after themselves and throw away their trash appropriately. Some young children get the memo early in life.

One mom recently showed her TikTok followers that young kids can get pretty annoyed about littering, too.

The TikToker and mom shared a video of her son Levi, who was visibly angry about the amount of litter he saw on the ground.

In the video, he says, "That makes me so mad." His mom questioned what was making him mad, and Levi was quick to say that the litter really made him mad. He then questioned "how come people put their garbage on the ground?" He said they should put their garbage where it belongs … in the trash.

People on TikTok were super proud to see how much Levi loves the environment.

Many commenters praised Levi for his passion about cleaning up the litter.

"Vote Levi for future lawmaker or environmental specialist," one person commented on the video.

Others online said someone should "sponsor" Levi so that they can run a commercial on TV for anti-littering. Many shared the love, saying they, too, wish people would stop littering.

Some pointed out that Levi has more sense than many adults.

While Levi may only be a toddler — albeit quite an adorable and smart little guy — he seems to get the concept of cleaning up and recycling better than many adults do. So much so, his mom said that Levi refused to get into the car until they cleaned up the garbage on the street.

Levi for President, for sure! We just love Levi's attitude. Kudos, mama! You're doing a great job.