16 spectacular underbutt tattoos that will make you love your booty even more

Hold on to your butts, everyone. The coolest new place to get tattoos — according to Instagram, anyway — is right on the back of the legs, under one's bottom. Welcome to the world of underbooty tattoos.

Confession time: I have underbutt tattoos. I got them when I was 24, and they've served me well ever since. They've been the stars of many photo shoots, and they make me really happy whenever I think about them.

Yes, getting inked on the underbooty area hurts. It hurts a lot. But oh boy, is it ever worth it.

Here are 18 spectatcular underbutt tattoos that will make your amazing ass the star of the show.

Witchy underbutt chandeliers are actual dark magic.

These delicate heart outlines are minimalist perfection.

Mischief managed!

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Bows are an underbooty classic.

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IN LOVE with these polka-dots!

These colorful moths are actually perfect.


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That's no moon... it's an underbutt TIE fighter!

These cupcakes are sweet and hilarious ink magic.

The linework on this sun and moon pair is stunning.

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Hakuna matata... what a wonderful phrase.

My question is, why aren't *ALL* underbutt tattoos GIR from "Invader Zim?"

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This linework is so delicate, it looks like handmade lace!

BEYOND in love with these balloon doggos.

These lil doughnuts are almost *too* cute.

Stay wild, underbutt. Stay wild.