10 Simple Tips for Breastfeeding on a Road Trip

Spring is here and that means … family road trip! Traveling with your little one is what family bonding is all about. Babies, even when they are the littlest, love to see and be in new places. Plus, think of all the amazing photo ops you will have for the baby book!

Being on the road with a baby and while breastfeeding can present a few challenges, but nothing you can't prepare yourself for, and nothing that can't be solved. Here are some tips to breastfeed while on a road trip. They're simple, but they can help simplify your trip and minimize any added stress.

  1. Consider an RV! Instead of packing the whole family into the car, stretch out in an RV. You’ll have space for all your necessities (nursing pillow, breast pump, bottles, etc.), you’ll have the comforts of home, you won’t have to worry about staying at hotels, and you’ll take a lot of the stress out of traveling.

  2. If you are storing any extra breast milk that you pumped beforehand, you're going to need to bring a cooler with ice packs.

  3. Pack shirts and clothes that you are comfortable nursing in. Bring a few more shirts than you think you might need, in case you get milk or spit up on your clothes.

  4. Bring a nursing cover if that makes YOU feel more comfortable when nursing.

  5. If you have a breast pump, don't forget to bring it with you. Pack any spare parts you have, just in case.

  6. When driving, plan to stop. A lot. Keep your nursing schedule as best as you can. Never breastfeed baby in a moving car. You never want to take baby out of the car seat, and contorting your body to nurse while baby is strapped in isn't safe for you either.

  7. Be mindful of what rest areas are on your route so you can plan accordingly.

  8. When breastfeeding in public, know your rights in the states you will be in. But don't feel embarrassed about nursing in public. Baby needs to eat and don't let the ignorance of others make you feel bad about that.

  9. As always, stay hydrated. Pack lots of water for the drive so you don't run out.

  10. Stay calm! Some parents refuse to travel by car with a little one because of all the extra stuff needed, but good for you for deciding to do it. Family adventures are great for everyone, and if you stay calm and roll with whatever annoying things that may happen (getting lost, missing rest stop exits, spilling breast milk), you will have a great time.