Has all the holiday cheer gotten to you just a little bit? Is your own personal sensibility a little more Festivus than, well, festive? Or are you looking for a centerpiece that will prove once and for all to your in-laws that they were right about you all along? Then check out these twisted spins on a holiday classic.
Some people are taking that icon of Christmas cheer, the gingerbread house, and rendering it quite a bit less cheerful. And absolutely not safe for work or kids, I might note. Like, for example, the gingerbread hoarder house:
Look at the little bag of rancid trash! The stacks of books, magazines, and shopping bags! Clever … and kind of disgusting.
Yet more unwholesome is the gingerbread crack house:
Is the best part the bald roof, the crumbling porch column, or the graffiti penis?
A whole site dedicated to one guy's creation of these awful gingerbread houses originates from my hometown of Detroit … it's called Gingerbread Ghetto.
Apparently Tom Nardone was inspired by his own failed gingerbread house. "Last year, I tried to make a gingerbread house and failed miserably," he writes on his site. "This year, I tried to make an ugly gingerbread house and succeeded beautifully. Perhaps, we should all just change the rules once in a while so that we can win."
Agreed. And who can argue with the brilliance of the gingerbread liquor store:
The brawling ruffians? Soccer players from the cake decorating aisle.
Or perhaps the gingerbread check-cashing place is more to your liking?
The bars on the windows and what appear to be lurking would-be muggers add a note of gritty realism … exactly what you want from a gingerbread house, right?
Would you enjoy a ghetto-style gingerbread house?
Image via Slashfood, Buzzfeed, GingerbreadGhetto.com