Okay, so this is how it works, right? You apply sunscreen everywhere the sun could possibly reach you, then you go out into the sunshine, and then you enjoy your day without getting burned. Simple formula, right? So why are so many of us still getting burned? It's not that difficult. And yet! Look at all the painful ways people get sunscreen terribly, horribly, excruciatingly wrong. OUCH!
More From The Stir: 7 Surprising New Sunscreen Facts That Could Change How You Soak Up the Sun
Image ©iStock.com/jcarillet
You Missed a Few Spots

This is a good argument for why you should apply sunscreen before you put on your swimsuit. Says the woman who has made this mistake consistently for about 30 summers in a row.
All of the Sunscreen, All of It

He got into a fight with a bottle of sunscreen. And lost.
Next time get a friend to help you spread the stuff evenly over your back.
A Blizzard of Blisters

Eww, sunburn blisters — don't touch them!!!
Drink plenty of fluids and maybe apply a cold compress.
After the Blisters

You popped your sunburn blister, didn't you? Now look!
Carefully apply antiseptic and cover with a bandage, if possible.
Tiger Stripes

Sunscreen lotion isn't going to fill in the blanks for you, Tiger.
So Close, Yet So Far

Oh right, if you put sunscreen on your shoulders, it might fool the sun into thinking the rest of you is protected! OR NOT.
It's true that the sun can be hardest on points like shoulders and your nose, but if you're getting out the sunscreen, go ahead and put it everywhere.
Sunburn Color Blocking

Jump on last year's hottest trend the painfully hot way! (It's not hot, actually. Just really painful.)
Burned Hot Dog Legs

Remember the hot dog legs trend of 2013? Yeah, I kind of burned out on that, too.
Beyond the Farmer's Tan

This is what four hours of gardening in a high elevation without sunscreen or a hat turns into.
Sunscreen isn't just for the beach — it's for any time you're outdoors for more than half an hour.
Spray Sunscreen, Take One

Sunscreen spray betrayal! "Man, I thought we were cool, spray-on sunscreen." "Nah, man, I hate you. Burn like hell."
Doctors don't love spray-on sunscreen for a number of reasons. You can inhale the stuff, for one. But it's also hard to apply enough of it, and evenly.
Spray Sunscreen, Take Two

Spray-on sunscreen still hating on your ass. Why? What did you ever do to spray-on sunscreen?
Oh boy. Another reason to use a stick or lotion instead.
Zinc Clown Face

Oh zinc oxide, you joker, you.
But hey, no sunburn for this gal!