Typically, wedding photos are supposed to come out flawless, like something right out of a magazine spread. For newlyweds Leanne and Jim, however, a little mishap actually turned out to be the most adorable (and candid!) photo opportunity.
At their recent wedding on a vineyard in Rhode Island, Jim and Leanne were going through all the standard bride-and-groom poses.

Then someone in the bridal party shouted out for Jim to dip Leanne, as photographer Lauren Halverson tells CafeMom.
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Obviously, the pose is super romantic, so the two impulsively went for it.

"So, without much time to prepare, they went for it, maybe a little too enthusiastically … "
And it caused them to "lose their balance and topple over in the most graceful and joyous fashion I've ever seen!" Halverson says.

For anyone freaking out at the thought of her pristine wedding dress hitting vineyard grounds, don't fret.
Jim acted quickly, like a "super husband," and made sure his new wife never hit the dirt in her white wedding dress.

He sacrificed his own suit to the grass stains, and simultaneously proved that he is most definitely a keeper.
While most people would have freaked out at the mishap, the two apparently laughed and smiled the whole time.

"Thank you, Leanne and Jim, for being the coolest couple ever, and for setting the example for brides and grooms across the globe of how to laugh your way through the tiny little mishaps that are bound to happen on a wedding day," Halverson wrote on Facebook.
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This couple should 100 percent frame these photos