Ah yes, the glorious time of year when dark gives way to light and cold gives way to warmth is finally upon us. When spring arrives, there is a palpable joy in the air. We can throw our kids outside without layering them in mountains of clothing and open our windows for a little fresh air. But with the delightful changes come a few not-so-fun ones, like spring cleaning.
For some of us, spring cleaning hangs over our heads like a dark cloud of doom, whereas others hear "The Eye of the Tiger" faintly playing in the background as they prep their springtime purge. For every type of mom out there, though, there is a type of spring cleaner.
Which one are you?
The Panic Cleaner

Panic cleaners are the ones who wait until company is 30 minutes from the door and then insist on doing a full scrub-down in an unfathomable amount of time. They are shoving things in drawers, hiding messes in closets, and generally trying to create the facade that they have it together.
The Lazy Cleaner

Cleaning is going to happen, but it isn’t necessarily going to be good. This cleaner does the bare minimum to pass for acceptability. This type wipes things down but has no desire to do a good scrubbing.
The Purging Cleaner

This type of cleaner is one who hoards everything until they're so frustrated, they literally throw everything out. When they're done cleaning, donation boxes are all lined up and trash bags are full. You don’t have to clean a house with zero things in it, right?
The Perfectionist Cleaner

This cleaning pro takes toothbrushes to grout and wipes baseboards on the regular. The house is in tip-top shape — you literally can’t catch this type of cleaner off guard.
The Mother-In-Law Cleaner

This cleaner likely has two modes. One is very normal, and the other is insanely hyped up when company (particularly a mother-in-law) is coming by. When that kind of company arrives, walls are washed, my friends. Walls are washed.
The DIY Cleaner

Looking for a bottle of Windex? You’ll search until you're blue in the face with this cleaner. For them, it is all “elbow grease” and homemade marvels. Lemons are used for removing stains, and baking soda works magic. This cleaner would sooner die than use chemicals.
The Non-Existent Cleaner

What is cleaning? Messy homes means happy kids, right? So what’s the point if grimy little hands are just going to mess it up anyway!?
The Outsourcing Cleaner

This cleaner wouldn’t be caught dead cleaning. They’ll happily pay someone else to do the literal dirty work for them. All they do is maintain in-between visits from the professional.
The Organized Cleaner

These cleaners have "The Home Edit’s" manifesto memorized. They have Marie Kondo patron saint candles, and they probably have them organized neatly in a cabinet marked “candles.” When they clean, they make things orderly as they go. Things are color-coded and labeled to perfection.
The Distracted Cleaner

This cleaner starts out with the BEST intentions. However, once they start digging through drawers and finding old “treasures,” a quick cleanup turns into hours of modeling old hats and poring over ancient middle school notes.
The Day-by-Day Cleaner

Taking it one step at a time, this cleaner likes to accomplish big things in small spurts. Monday is kitchen day, Tuesday is living room day, Wednesday is laundry. Their whole outlook: It’s a marathon, not a sprint!
The Move Around Cleaner

If by “cleaning” you mean move the mess from one room into another, then you can related to this cleaner. So yes, the living room now looks lovely, but don’t go into the bedroom or closet.