One woman is completely weirded out by her husband after he threw away her brand new box of tampons. Apparently, he doesn’t like when his wife uses them, but instead of, ya’ know, minding his own business, he decided to make a statement, which has left everyone on Reddit confused.
The couple has only been married for two months, but already something really weird happened.

As the 27-year-old woman wrote in a post on the AITA subreddit, she recently switched from pads to tampons for medical reasons and learned that “Tampons work 10x better for me, especially when I’m outside … say like at work or traveling,” the original poster wrote.
Her husband apparently “hates them.” He never really explained why he hates tampons, “he doesn’t feel comfortable with me using them,” she wrote.
The OP didn’t really take it seriously, “since he said he hates a lot of stuff that I do but ‘puts up’ with it anyway except for this.”
Her husband asked that the OP go back to pads, but she told him that he had no say because it’s her body. Unfortunately, he didn’t take no for an answer. Instead he started throwing her tampons away, but to “keep the peace” she merely bought a box and kept it hidden from him.
“He somehow found it and threw it away,” she wrote. “I didn’t find that out til I had my period yesterday and realized I had no tampons to use.”
The OP was tired and stressed and most importantly, without a tampon, so she yelled at her husband until he admitted what he’d done.
“He argued that I already knew how he felt about this stuff and yet I decided to still keep it around,” she recalled. “I lost it and told him he had no right to do this and told him to get over himself already. He stared at me almost about to tear up or something, then walked out.”
He later argued that they should take each other’s discomfort into consideration.
He also said that he felt she’d brushed off his concerns about her using tampons “and insulted him and verbally abused him.”
“He also said that if I still insist on using them then I should do it while I’m outside the house but I said that it won’t happen,” she continued. “I feel bad for how it played out but I was just at my wit’s end and in so much pain I lashed out.”
“Did I go too far here? Does he have a valid point or not?” she asked.
Most of the comments section was in agreement: her husband needs to get a grip.
“Uh… what the f—,” wrote one commenter. “[Not the A–hole], at all. What is wrong with your husband??? He can be ‘uncomfortable’ with your choice of menstruation products all he wants I guess, but he doesn’t get to make it your problem and he definitely doesn’t get to throw away your tampons. I can’t fathom what on earth he could be thinking. Based on how he’s talking about them, does he think you’re smuggling cocaine in them or something???”
“I figured he’s one of those people who thinks ‘long cylindrical object enters s3x hole=wife being pleasured’ and feels uncomfortable with her using an insertion period product instead of a pad… Hopefully I’m wrong,” someone else pointed out.
“[Not the A–hole],” someone else noted. “Wtf did I just read? I don’t understand why he cares if you use tampons. Is his penis smaller than the tampon and he feels threatened by it?”
While other people thought the OP needed to let it go.
“I say give him what he wants,” one commenter pleaded. “Don’t use tampons, buy a menstrual cup instead, it’s reusable and only needs to be replaced once every year, give or take a couple months or years depending on how you clean it. Saves on money and helps the environment. If he still has a problem then just bleed all over everything until he decides to be a man and let you decide how to handle your own period.”
“Yes… yelling at someone doesn’t help anyone and is a sign of abuse,” someone else wrote. “Don’t yell at your partner.”
Later in the thread, the OP wrote that she was still so confused by her husband’s “strange” objection.
She wrote: “The possibility of him thinking that I get off of using tampons. It’s just not normal I mean I never thought about it like this.”
“I don’t know but this just seems strange,” she added.