14 Pro Packing Tips for Families Finally Going on Vacation

Traveling with kids can feel a little daunting, and it all starts with packing our suitcases before we hit the road.

Feeling stressed about packing for a family vacation? Don't worry — we've got you covered. From space saving hacks to organizational tips and things you can do before you even leave the house that will make your vacation that much more successful, there are so many little ways to make packing for the fam a breeze.

Gearing up for vacation? Read on for tips for packing for your upcoming family vacay. It can definitely be a little stressful (especially since we're all out of practice), but the prep work will be worth it once you've reached your destination!

Make a Packing List

Packing list or travel planner. Preparing for vacation, journey or trip.

Yes, this is an extra step to your travel process, but trust us: It's worth it. Whether it's in the Notes app on your phone or handwritten, write down everything you plan to bring along down to the last detail. As you pack, refer to this list. It will help you remember what you're bringing and help keep you from forgetting anything important.

Combine Suitcases


This can be helpful if you want to save space — or if you have a child who's too small to be in charge of his own luggage. After all, each member of your family doesn't need their own suitcase — it might be easier to combine two people's belongings into one (or have all the kids share a suitcase).

Consider Driving

Drive safely with your precious cargo

When traveling as a family, driving can be a great option — especially if you travel in an RV. RVing gives you the option of packing more than fits in a standard suitcase, making lots of stops along the way, and having the comforts of home while you travel. This can be especially helpful if you have small kids.

Use Packing Cubes

Different blue cube bags, set of travel organizer to help packing luggage easy

To the uninitiated, packing cubes can seem like an extra expense that isn't worth it, but they definitely are! They'll help keep you organized and make it easier to fit everything into your suitcase at the same time, and they come in handy for keeping dirty and clean laundry separate for the trip home.

Keep Toiletries Simple

Travel Toiletries in Clear Plastic Bag

Don't go crazy with toiletries — just bring the essentials. If you're road tripping, consider bringing regular-sized bottles of items like shampoo and body wash to share with the whole family to save space.

Roll All Clothes

close up of rolled colorful clothes in a luggage for a new journey

Don't stack your clothes in your suitcase or packing cube — instead, roll them! This will help you fit more items in the suitcases than you thought possible, and will help avoid wrinkles that happen along the way. There's basically no way to lose with this packing strategy!

Consider Renting Big Items

Happy little baby standing in his pen

Baby parents, this one is for you! If you're planning on bringing things like a play yard or a stroller, consider renting them at your destination, if available. It may end up being worth the saved space and convenience! You might also choose to buy these items new upon your arrival, if that's cheaper — spending $50 for a play yard or grabbing a $20 umbrella stroller instead of lugging your largest one around might be much easier.

Bring Snacks & Entertainment


While your kids will definitely be more entertained on vacation than they are at home, the journey might be a little boring. Come armed with plenty of entertainment, like toys and books, for the drive — and lots of their favorite snacks easily accessible, too.

Keep Outfits in Mind

happy girl hugging beautiful mother in living room

When you're packing (especially for kids), pack for each day of your trip and the complete outfit you or your kids plan to wear that day, including a top, bottom, underwear, socks, and any accessories. Using gallon-sized zip-top bags can help keep each outfit together and separated, too.

Bring Extra Bags

Preparation travel suitcase at home

Sometimes, packing a duffle bag that can fold flat and take up less space can be a life saver to hold any souvenirs you might buy that can't fit in your suitcase. Bringing garbage bags and extra zip-top bags can be helpful too for dirty laundry, wet swimsuits and towels, and toiletries.

Be Open to Laundry

Interior of pastel colors laundry room with modern washing machine

The idea of doing laundry while on vacation doesn't seem like much fun, but it can be a major space saver. Knowing that you'll do at least one load while traveling gives you the freedom to pack less — and to not sweat it quite as much when our kids get messy while having fun.

Pack Two Swimsuits

To the Beach

This won't save space, but it will make your life easier (and more comfortable)! If you plan on spending more than one day in a row at the beach or the pool, do yourself a favor and bring two swimsuits per person so one can dry while you have one that's clean and waiting.

Limit the Toys

Safe travels

Your kids are on vacation — they don't need toys from home! Aside from bringing a favorite stuffed animal they sleep with and a few items to keep them busy during the trip to your destination, pack toys sparingly. There's no doubt they're going to want souvenirs — and that they'll be having too much fun on vacation to miss their things at home.

Go With the Flow

Family time is fun time

Whether it's in your packing approach or how you approach your vacation in general, try to keep your attitude as laid-back as possible. If you forget something at home, you can probably replace it. If things don't go as planned, that's OK, too — no family vacation is perfect. Just take things as they come and enjoy the little moments that will eventually become some of your most treasured memories.