15 Skin Care Mistakes Everyone Makes in the Summer

There is so much to love about the summertime! There's the warmer weather, the longer days, the lazy afternoons by the pool or the weekend trips to the lake, and so many other great reasons to spend time outside, soaking up the sun. But summer can also be a season that is rough on our skin, especially if we make some of the common skin care mistakes that almost everyone makes at least once in their lives (or once a summer, for those of us who are slow learners when it comes to the value of good skin care!).

The truth is that good skin care habits in the summer are really, really important. Not only does taking good care of our skin in the summer prevent premature aging (the sun is basically enemy No. 1 when it comes to wrinkle prevention), it can also make a last impact on our overall health. Things like sun damage and sunburns can hurt in the moment, but are leading causes of skin cancer down the line. The heat and humidity of the summer can also cause other skin conditions to flare up, too, leading to skin that can feel uncomfortable and shake our confidence as well. So let's all agree that we are going to get it right this summer, OK? We've rounded up 15 of the most common skin care mistakes so we'll all know what we need to do to prevent them!

Not Wearing Sunscreen Every Day


Almost everyone has had the painful of experience of getting a sunburn. It hurts! And it's also causing real damage to our skin. If there is one summertime must when it comes to keeping skin healthy, it is wearing sunscreen every day. Not only does regular use of sunscreen prevent painful sunburns and reduce the risk of skin cancer, it can also help prevent cosmetic damage to the skin.

Not Managing Chronic Skin Conditions


Those who have chronic skin conditions like rosacea, melasma, and eczema need to take special care of the their skin in the summer months as the heat, humidity, sunlight, and perspiration during this time of year can cause all of those conditions to flare up. For all of these conditions, staying out of direct sunlight, using gentle cleaners, and slathering on a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 is a key to keeping skin happy!

Being Sunscreen Stingy


According to experts from the Mayo Clinic, one common summer skin mistake is simply not using enough sunscreen. Most adults should use about 1 ounce of sunscreen to cover their whole body, so all of us who still have an 8-ounce bottle of SPF 50 left over from last summer almost certainly weren’t using enough!

Skipping Sensitive Spots

Albina Gavrilovic/iStock

OK, yes, we’re still going on and on about sunscreen, but that’s because it really is that important! One of the other common mistakes is forgetting to apply sunscreen to sensitive spots, like the tops of feet, ears, and around the hairline or the scalp. Applying sunscreen to the scalp, especially for those with thinning hair, is really important as skin cancer can form there as well but can be harder to detect.

Getting Dehydrated


Summer months can be hot and humid, and many people are more active than usual outside, so staying hydrated is essential. While staying hydrated is essential for overall health, it’s also a secret key to keeping skin looking good! Lack of hydration can cause skin to look dull and uneven and make wrinkles more pronounced. Thirsty and wrinkled is just not the vibe we are going for this summer!

Sticking to the Winter Routine

Woman applying facial cream at home
JLco - Julia Amaral/iStock

We have a winter wardrobe for when it is cold and a summer wardrobe for when it gets warm, so it makes sense that our skin care routines should shift when the weather does, too! Winter can be a time when skin gets extra dry, but the summer humidity can make skin feel more oily, so many people may find the thick moisturizers of the winter to be too heavy for the summer months. Switching to a lighter weight moisturizer (especially one with a built in SPF) can be a smart move to avoid clogged pores.

Tanning on Purpose


Many of us love a little color on our legs in the summertime, but, friends, that is what fake tanner is for! Getting a tan from the sun is one of the best ways to age our skin because tanning increases production of melanin and can lead to wrinkles, dark spots, and leathery skin. Leather handbags? Yes, please! Leathery skin? Hard pass.

Using Products That Increase Sunburn Risk


Some of our favorite beauty products contain ingredients like retinols or alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs, including glycolic acid) which are great for reducing fine lines and improving skin texture, but they can also cause skin to be more delicate and more sensitive to the sun. This can result in having skin that is more quick to burn and more likely to get a more severe sunburn. Folks using these products need to be extra careful about sunscreen, wearing hats, and staying in the shade. We pay big money for those fancy creams and lotions, so we shouldn't undo all their good work by getting more sun damage!

Forgetting to Reapply


Yes, we are back on the sunscreen soapbox again! According to the Cleveland Clinic, sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, even if the sunscreen label claims it offers all-day protection. Sunscreen should also ideally be applied at least 20 minutes before sun exposure begins and applied more frequently when swimming or for those who sweat a lot.

Clogging Those Pores

Nikola Ilic/iStock

As anyone who has ever dealt with acne or clogged pores (hi, we're "anyone") can confirm, summertime can be prime time for zits and blackheads. According to the experts at the Cleveland Clinic's website: "Several studies have shown a correlation between the summer months and acne development. One of them even looked at Google trends to see if acne-related searches increased over the summer as opposed to other times of the year. But acne doesn’t get worse because of sun exposure. Most of the time, it’s related to increased oil production, sweating and more clogging of the pores that occur with the warmer temperatures.”

The best bet is to wash skin regularly, including just rinsing with cool water after coming inside to remove sunscreen and grime, and to use noncomedogenic beauty products that are designed to not clog pores.

Getting Itchy


There is nothing to love about mosquito or tick bites, which are more common in the summer months. Not only do they leave skin feeling itchy, they can also expose us to diseases like West Nile or Lyme. From a skin health perspective, one of the most important things to remember is not to give into the temptation to scratch! Scratching bug bites can lead to infections, scarring, and hyperpigmentation of the skin, which can last for months or years. Using a good bug spray can make a big difference. Products like the Off brand Clean Feel collection are a good option for those who want the protection but don't like to feel oily or greasy.

Not Layering Correctly


So, we've made the case for the importance of sunscreen but here's one last fact: One of the top recommendations from the American Academy of Dermatology for preventing premature skin aging is to wear sunscreen every single day. One common mistake for those who also wear makeup is layering products in the wrong order. Sunscreen should always go on before makeup for maximum protection!

Not Taking Care of ALLLLL Our Skin


The heat and humidity of the summer months leads to sweating. Sweating and wearing sweaty clothes can lead to lots of not so fun skin outcomes like back, chest, and butt acne. Prevent it this summer by changing out of sweaty clothes as soon as possible, cleansing gently in the shower with products designed for body acne, and making sure to regularly change out towels and sheets that can get soiled and sweaty more quickly in the summer.

Neglecting Our Lips


Summer can also be rough on our perfect pouts! Dehydration can lead to chapped lips and sun exposure can cause lips to dry and burn, just like other skin. Excess sun can also trigger a cold sore flare up for those that are prone to them. So don't neglect those lips this summer! Stay hydrated, use a lip balm with SPF, and gently exfoliate lips from time to time.

Not Timing Our Hair Removal


It's pretty common to want to hit the beach feeling fuzz-free on legs, bikini area, and armpits (or not, no shame in the body hair game!) but bad timing with hair removal can lead to some less than smooth outcomes. Skin can be more sensitive following a waxing, so it's ideal to get waxed at least 24-48 hours before hitting the beach to let skin settle back down and to avoid irritation. And for those considering laser hair removal, proceed with caution in the summer months as many experts note that the procedure works best on skin that isn't tanned and that sun should be avoided for up to two weeks following treatment.

*Disclaimer: The advice on CafeMom.com is not a substitute for consultation with a medical professional or treatment for a specific condition. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting a qualified professional. Please contact your health-care provider with questions and concerns.