The world is a crazy place, and it seems like we see something new every day that tops the thing that shocked us the day before. If you want the best drama life can serve, the place to go is TikTok. People are not afraid and will spill the tea to anyone who wants to listen. A mom who uses the handle @renegadebarbie4 shared a story that was so crazy and, quite frankly, creepy, we kind of hope it's not true.
The TikToker's daughter went to a cupcake shop to get a treat after getting her nails done. The man working behind the counter started hitting on the 17-year-old, which wasn't all that surprising. That is, of course, until we learned the man flirting was her biological father, who didn't recognize her. This is the kind of stuff that would make Jerry Springer come back from the dead.
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The girl recognized her dad, but he didn't recognize her.
The mom shared a 13-second video that garnered 1.3 million views. She and her daughter were laughing about the fact that she went into the store, and the man had no idea who she was. The teenager seemed both embarrassed and shocked, and her mom said, "How the f— is this our life?"
The comment section went hard, wanting more info. "Mama spillllll the teaaaaaa," someone wrote. Thankfully, OP obliged.
The couple were young when their daughter was born.
In a follow-up video, the TikToker explained that her ex was abusive, and they were only together for a short time. He has never had much to do with their daughter, so it didn't shock her that he didn't recognize her. The girl went into the shop and immediately knew it was him. She told her mom, who went back in and confronted him.
He apparently tried to tell her he knew and was just kidding around, but the mom wasn't buying it. She just walked away and let him be.
People thought this guy was gross.
The age gap made people uncomfortable, whether it was his daughter or not.
Someone wrote: "He's sick!!!! I'm so glad u left that dusty creep so long ago!!"
"Wow, he knew she was 17y and still hitting on her," another commenter agreed. "Even if he didn't know that was his daughter, still gross."
And the fact that she is a minor was bothersome.
"Disgusting!!!!!" someone exclaimed. "She looks underage!!! even if he wasn't her dad he's disgusting!!!! 911!!!! he needs to be investigated! he's probably don'me it to other underage girls since he's so comfortable to do it out in public!"
Sadly, OP and her daughter aren't alone.
This kind of thing has happened to other people.
Like this person who wrote, "My 'uncle' did that to me at a bar once."
And this one who commented, "I work at a grocery store and I've made eye contact with my 'father' multiple times and he has never really realized who I was until he was up here with his ex wife and she recognized me."
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It just didn't make sense to some people.
Some people couldn't understand how this man had no idea he was talking to his own flesh and blood.
"I've seen soooo many stories like this and i always thought how could you not recognize your own child??" a TikToker wrote. "That’s insane."
This person is spot on commenting, "I feel like Law And Order theme in the back fits this story to well."
Thankfully, the story ended well for OP and her daughter. They are clearly much better off without him.