How to Throw a Bridal Shower for First-Time Bridesmaids

New year, new wedding plans! After 2020, there are surely couples who postponed their wedding plans, but also newly engaged couples all ready to tie the knot soon. Possibly in 2021!

In that case, the bridesmaids better get started with that longstanding pre-wedding tradition — the bridal shower. It’s a big responsibility to be a bridesmaid, she (or he) is the one who the bride counts on to be her right hand. The bridesmaid (or bridesmaids) keeps the bride as cool, calm, and collected as can be from the bridal shower to the bachelorette party to the wedding. As host of the bridal shower, you’ll orchestrate this celebration of the bride by friends and family where you shower her with gifts and help set her up for her newly married life. The best bridal showers are simply great gatherings with lots of laughter and love.

If you’re a first-time bridesmaid, here’s a guide of all the things you should be handling as host of the bride-to-be’s bridal shower including the food, decorations, invites, and her stunning dress for a memorable day.

The following timeline is in an ideal situation where you have a few months to plan for the event. If you have less time, you can easily just use what you need from this guideline.

Step 1: Two to three months before the bridal shower.

Group of young women cheering with champagne, celebrating merry christmas at home

Chat with the bride about her dream bridal shower. This is where you’ll want to have a notebook to take notes on all of her wants and needs — from the venue to the theme to the guest list. At this point, it’ll be helpful to have the bride-to-be compile a list of the desired shower guests and their contact information, so you can send out the invitations in a month or so.

During this time, you’ll also want to square away the date and time the bride would like for the bridal shower, and get her budget for the festivities. Does she want a photographer to capture it all? That needs to be booked. This information will help narrow down a few options for the venue (you’ll need to book this soon, too). During this two or three months before the actual bridal shower, it’s a great time to decide on the shower theme (not necessary, but this will help the decor and food come together) and delegate responsibilities throughout the bridal party.

Step 2: One month before.

delicious macaroons in glass bowl. candy bar at luxury wedding reception. exclusive expensive catering. table with modern desserts. space for text. baby or bridal shower. holiday celebration

The bridesmaid will get more hands-on during this month before the bridal shower. The invitations have been sent, so you’re waiting for the responses to return so you can have a final head count to submit to the venue — or at least you’ll be able to relay that information to the bride.

Because the venue is set, you can decide on the decor and buy any necessary items. Do you need to buy party favors? Will there be games? Do you need to order balloons or flowers? Rent tables or chairs? This is the time to do it! How’s that menu coming together? Whether you’re planning it with the venue, ordering food or cooking at home, it’s time to plan and confirm the food.

Step 3: Two weeks before.

Friends at bridal shower

The bride-to-be has probably been thinking so much about what she’ll wear on her wedding day that the bridal party outfit may have slipped her mind. Here’s where the bridesmaid could be of great help: Does she have something in her closet to suit the occasion? Is there an outfit she’d been eyeing and hasn’t gotten around to making a decision? Help finalize her look for the day from her hairstyle and earrings to outfit and shoes.

The RSVPs should be set, but follow-up by phone with anyone who hasn’t responded. Take this time to buy the bride-to-be a gift. These last few weeks are a good time to run some errands for the bridal shower, so you won’t feel too rushed. On your list should be: a shopping list for food and drinks (if necessary), confirm reservations and the flower, rental, cake, flowers, and any other orders that are pending. Any games, gift bags, items from friends that need to be picked-up? Put that on your to-do list, too.

Step 4: One day before.

Marriage, bring it on!

This is as hectic as it gets, but throwing a bridal shower is no joke! Pat yourself on the back. The day before the bridal shower is all about tying up loose ends, so you’ll, hopefully, confirm plans with the rest of the bridal party. Visit the venue to set up the tables and decor. If possible, prepare any food that you can ahead of time. Run any last-minute errands and try to get some sleep before the big day!

Step 5: Bridal shower day!

Woman Serving Dessert To Female Guests At Bridal Shower

Pack a little emergency kit for the bride-to-be with a needle and thread, scissors, extra makeup. Once the festivities get started, have a few large trash bags to dispose of the wrapping paper if gifts are being opened during the day, and to carry gifts to her car. It’s super helpful if the bridesmaid keeps a running list of the gift-givers so the bride can follow-up with thank-you cards later. You did it and made your bride-to-be/friend/loved one so much happier!